Attendees are responsible for booking their own accommodations.
There are 8 nearby hotels with reduced room rates for the conference.
Book Your Room
For any reservation issues and questions, please contact Mrs. Barbara Kollmann
Barbara Maria Kollmann
Graz Convention Bureau
Graz Tourismus und Stadtmarketing GmbH
Messeplatz 1/Messeturm | 8010 Graz | Austria
T +43 316 8075 49
F +43 316 8075 490
Avoid Hotel Fraud
Unfortunately, exhibitors and attendees can fall prey to accommodation offers from fraudulent companies. These hotel providers present themselves under names such as Allen & Stratton Events, Euro-Events, International Trade Show Council (ITC), Premier Destinations, Star Eventz, and Universal Shows. This is not an exhaustive list – these outfits change names each year in the hopes of being trusted.
How Does Hotel Fraud Work?
Fraudulent companies repeatedly contact (either by phone or email) our event participants with room offers for the week of November 4-8, 2019. Their website, calls, and/or emails mention ICCVE, and may even include our logo in the hopes of looking like an official or legitimate provider.
No one should ever phone, email, or contact you in any way requesting your credit card to make a hotel reservation for ICCVE.
These groups promote attractive deals with local accommodation providers, but once payment has been received, the company disappears and can no longer be contacted by phone or email. Once the attendee contacts the hotel directly about their room, they realize the hotel has no record of them or their stay. Not only is their money gone, but they must also then scramble to find last-minute accommodation, which is rarely convenient to the venue.
This practice takes money directly from our customers and negatively impacts their ICCVE experience. We do everything we can to stop these companies preying on our attendees, and we don’t want this to happen to you.
How to Avoid Fraud
- Book through our recommended/official hotel. We work to deliver consistently good hotels for our participants.
- Do not only rely on the presence of the ICCVE name and logo on accommodation providers’ websites, as our name and logo are being used unlawfully. The only accommodation company recommended by ICCVE is allowed to use our name and logo.
- If using another supplier or an online loan lender, thoroughly investigate all documentation regarding the company making the offer. Check carefully online to make sure they’re a reputable supplier with a history of satisfied, actual customers before sending any funds.
- Use credit cards to guarantee your rooms, rather than wire transfers. If your supplier turns out to be fraudulent, credit cards typically offer some form of consumer protection, where wire transfers do not.